Train Your Tech Sales for Consultative Selling

Tech companies excel at solving problems. 

Their solutions are often brilliant. 

Their sales pitches? Not always.

Here’s the issue: 

  • Engineers build amazing products. But they struggle to sell them.
  • Salespeople craft great pitches. But they often miss the technical nuances.

The result? Missed opportunities, prolonged sales cycles, and untapped potential.

In this edition, we’ll explore how to train your sales team for consultative selling. 

You’ll discover:

  • A 30-day bootcamp framework
  • Real results from a tech company
  • Actionable steps to implement today

One of my clients, CEO of a B2B tech services company, was stuck. He was driving sales from the front and getting pulled into each deal. Unable to focus on strategic initiatives. The sales team was eager to help but lacked skills.

The solution? We built a 30-day bootcamp to train his sales team in consultative selling – replicating his expertise in every client conversation.

I call it the 30-Day Consultative Selling Bootcamp.

The results were transformative:

Direct Benefits:

  • 30% more qualified leads
  • 25% shorter sales cycles
  • Huge boost in team confidence

Indirect Benefits:

  • Enhanced cross-department communication
  • Reduced sales team turnover
  • Stronger team cohesion

And today, I’m giving this framework to you, for FREE 🙂

Why a 30-Day Bootcamp?

Short, concentrated efforts lead to significant shifts. 

Teams that dedicate 30 days to mastering consultative selling skills see faster results and build better habits than those who spread learning thinly over months.

This bootcamp is designed to create quick wins, build momentum, and transform the way your team approaches sales – without pulling your CEO into every deal.

With just 60 minutes every day, over 4 weeks, you will be able to transform your sales team into consultative sellers.

The 30-Day Consultative Selling Bootcamp

The bootcamp is divided into four structured weeks. Each week focuses on a different skill, pushing your team to elevate their approach, one step at a time.

Before we dive into the details, a quick note: This is a blueprint, not a rigid plan. Adapt it to fit your team’s unique needs and your industry’s specific challenges.

This blueprint covers 3 phases:

Preparation Phase

Build the groundwork for success by setting the right direction and aligning team focus. Equip your team to seamlessly enter the bootcamp with everything they need.

  • Select the right bootcamp leader
  • Assemble necessary tools and materials
  • Block team calendars for dedicated training
  • Set clear and measurable goals

Execution Phase

Design a tactical roadmap that turns knowledge into practical skills. Guide your team through each step to elevate their approach in a structured way.

  • Week-by-week breakdown of focus areas
  • Key questions to guide each session
  • Strategies for translating tech features into business benefits
  • Techniques for demonstrating ROI and handling objections

Here’s the breakdown:

Week 1: Understand your customer

Deep dive into your customer’s world to uncover their pain points. Align your solution with their broader needs to build a stronger connection.

Week 2: Speak their language

Turn technical details into meaningful benefits that speak directly to your customer’s needs. Simplify complex ideas to create clarity and impact.

Week 3: Show real value

Highlight the measurable impact of your solution and handle objections with confidence. Focus on proving the true worth of what you offer.

Week 4: Close and grow

Empower your team to close deals with ease and nurture lasting client relationships. Turn satisfied customers into loyal advocates for your brand.

Follow-up Phase

Ensure hands-on practice and accountability, and measure progress continuously to adapt and enhance your team’s performance.

  • Create effective accountability systems
  • Implement real-world practice scenarios
  • Track team improvements with data
  • Refine approaches based on ongoing feedback

This blueprint ensures you’re set up for success.

It’s designed to help busy CEOs and salespeople like you to implement efficiently and effectively, maximizing your ROI.

Who is this bootcamp ideal for?

  • CEOs tired of being pulled into every sales deal
  • Sales leaders looking to bridge the gap between technical knowledge and sales skills
  • Growing tech companies aiming to scale their sales operations efficiently

Effective tech sales is more than just “knowing the most” or “talking the smoothest”. It’s about bridging the gap between your solution and your client’s needs – one consultative conversation at a time.

Free Download: Get the bootcamp blueprint checklist!

To implement the 30-Day Consultative Selling Blueprint effectively, you’ll need a clear guide to keep your team on track. This checklist breaks down every step of preparing, structuring, and executing your bootcamp. 

[Download the 30-Day Bootcamp Checklist Now]

If you’re ready to transform your sales team’s approach, book a call today. Let’s tailor a bootcamp that fits your unique business challenges.

Thank you for being here, I will see you next Thursday!


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