What’s Holding Your Business Back?

Pinpoint what’s stalling your business growth, in just 20 minutes, with this Free tool

Ever feel like your business is a car stuck in second gear?

You’re moving, but not as fast as you know you could be.

That’s the challenge of scaling. It’s not about hitting a wall. It’s about breaking through the invisible barriers holding you back.

Today, we’re going to find those barriers. And shatter them.

The Counterintuitive Truth About Scaling

Here’s an important insight that might surprise you: Working harder is often not the most effective way to scale your business.

It’s counterintuitive, isn’t it? But the most successful CEOs I’ve worked with all discovered the same principle:

There’s a distinction between building a product and productizing a service. We’ll dive deeper into this in a future newsletter.

Every day you wait to identify and fix these bottlenecks, they’re costing you more.

Introducing: The Scaling Bottleneck Diagnostic

Through my work with tech CEOs and founders, I’ve developed a powerful tool to uncover the hidden barriers to your company’s growth.

The Scaling Bottleneck Diagnostic isn’t just another assessment. It’s the MRI for your business.

Imagine your business like a clogged pipe — water trickling slowly, pressure building up. Removing that big chunk of dirt lets the water gush out.

Find that RIGHT blocker to remove. What’s the one action that moves the needle more than 100 others?

Scaling isn’t about fixing everything — it’s about clearing the big clog that unlocks your business growth.

Here’s a glimpse of what this tool reveals:

1. Leadership Bandwidth:

Are you strategically leading or constantly firefighting?

2. Talent Acquisition:

Is your team structure optimized for your current growth stage?

3. Process Scalability:

Are your systems scaling with your business or holding you back?

4. Financial Constraints:

Are you investing in the right areas for maximum growth?

5. Sales/Marketing and Product Strategy:

Are your efforts aligned to drive predictable and sustainable growth?

The Power of a Single Insight

For one of my CEO clients, hiring more people seemed like the answer. It wasn’t.

The Scaling Bottleneck Diagnostic revealed the truth: They needed smarter systems, not more hands.

Instead of hiring, they added and automated more quality checks and streamlined their workflow. This sparked a chain reaction:

  • Errors dropped by 63%, freeing up team capacity
  • With more bandwidth, they optimized operations
  • Improved efficiency led to faster delivery times
  • Faster delivery increased customer satisfaction and referrals

The result after 3 months?

  • Same team size
  • Operations streamlined
  • Revenue up significantly with no increase in cost

By fixing the root cause, they transformed their business. One insight ignited a series of improvements, each amplifying the next.

Now, imagine unlocking this level of insight for your own business. What will your diagnostic reveal?

The 20-Minute Challenge

Here’s my invitation to you: Take 20 minutes out of your busy schedule to use the Scaling Bottleneck Diagnostic. I’m sure you’ll gain at least one significant insight about your business.

Best part? It’s founder-friendly. In just 20 minutes, you’ll uncover clear, actionable insights without drowning in data or complex reports.

Download the Scaling Bottleneck Diagnostic Here.

Remember, though: Insight without action doesn’t lead to change. The real magic happens when you apply what you learn.

Accelerate Your Results

If you’re ready to turn these insights into tangible growth for your business, I’m opening up 5 spots for intensive “Power Hour – Breakthrough Session” over the next two weeks.

These are 60-minute, laser-focused strategy sessions designed to help you create an actionable plan based on your diagnostic results.

Book Your ‘Power Hour – Breakthrough Session’ Here.

In the fast-paced world of tech, continuous growth is crucial. Don’t let hidden bottlenecks slow you down.

Thanks for being here, and I’ll see you next Thursday.


CEO Coach & Startup Advisor

Empowering tech startups to scale profitably without sacrificing equity or control.

P.S. Every tech success story started with a breakthrough moment. Your next big leap forward might be just one insight away. Download the diagnostic, take the assessment, and book the session. Let’s unlock your company’s full potential together.

From my Diary

“You don’t build trust by offering help, you build it by asking for it,”
Simon Sinek said.

That hit me hard.

I was watching him chat with Trevor Noah on YouTube.

In my own experiences, every time I’ve asked for help, the connection felt deeper. The other person (friend, collegue or even a client), has raised to the occasion, to keep my trust.

We often think asking for help is a weakness or being selfish. But truth is, people feel honored and valued and we should give them more opportunities to feel that way.

Wanted to share that thought with you. What’s your take?

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  • Smart Scaling: Growth Without the Grind
  • Maximizing Business Value: Building for the Long Haul

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